3 Ways Tech Consultants Can Fail at Social Media and Push Buyers Away

One of the easiest ways to fail at something is to simply not try. Just ask my high school math teacher. They will prove my case. When it comes to social media most businesses fail the same way–by putting as much effort into their social media strategy as a 16 year old me put into learning trigonometry (which I have still never used...not even once).

This remains true especially for tech consultants, even though we have tons of data and research that show tech buyers are active and engaged on platforms like LinkedIn. They are here…and they are researching, shopping, and longing to connect with people who can help them solve their problems.

“Of all purchases made, 75% of the time buyers choose one of the Top Three Brands that first popped to mind.”


Tech consultants read stats like that respond in one of two ways:

A. “We better get some content out that puts us top of mind!”


B. “Sounds nice but we need sales NOW, not brand awareness.”

If you’re part of the B group, you can stop reading now. Don’t waste your time any further! If you’re part of the A group then you’ll be happy to learn that social media is one of the best and cheapest ways that you can paint your brand into the hearts and minds of your market.

Here are the three ways to FAIL at doing that!

Three Ways to Fail With Social Media:

  1. Make your organic social posts all about your offerings or solutions instead of helping your market by giving valuable insights and information.

  2. Try to sound super technical and smart in all your content. Use a ton of big words like “methodology” and “functionality” on purpose. Confuse the crap out of everyone.

  3. Save money by hiring or delegating your content creation to someone young who doesn’t know your market or how to help them. Give them the reins. Watch your engagement slowly die.

  4. Bonus tip: Do the bare minimum. Post for the sake of posting and never, EVER, see social media as a free and valuable channel for remaining top of mind in your market.

And now a quote from a true failure:

“I’ve failed over and over again in my career. And that is why I succeed.”

-Michael Jordan

Cheers to failure! 🥂

-Your friends at Forrest

Brandon Triola

Co-Founder and Chief Creative Officer at Forrest.


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