Transforming Optimum Healthcare IT into healthcare’s ServiceNow partner of choice

How we helped a multifaceted tech partner become one of the most talked-about brands in healthcare and a top referral by ServiceNow.

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About our client


Healthcare IT


750+ Employees


Advisory and assessment, implementation, managed services, and healthcare workforce management

A pioneer in healthcare innovation

Our hero

For more than a decade, Optimum Healthcare IT (Optimum) has been a trusted partner to nearly 300 healthcare organizations, providing them with innovative technology solutions and services to transform operations and improve patient care.

The challenge

While Optimum had become a household name in the healthcare space, they were known exclusively as an electronic medical record support and staffing provider.

Within the last five years, they launched a ServiceNow® practice and had an opportunity to occupy a unique space in the market by providing specialized, healthcare-centric ServiceNow solutions and services to provider organizations.

Optimum needed to make itself known as a preferred ServiceNow partner in healthcare.

We wanted to tell the story of why we’re a different animal and what makes us special. We have a great story, but we weren’t able to tell it. We needed a succinct way to express who we are and what we offer that resonated in the market and a strong go-to-market plan.”

Brian Symonds, Chief Digital Officer, Optimum

Obstacles to overcome

Lack of qualified lead pipeline

Difficulty getting in front of decision-makers

Representing brand equity to ServiceNow representatives


Make Optimum the ServiceNow partner of choice in healthcare

Simple, right?

Becoming the preferred partner in healthcare would mean building deep trust among healthcare organizations and ServiceNow reps alike by positioning Optimum as a helpful, knowledgeable thought leader helping healthcare leaders in their digital transformation journeys.


Create a strong brand narrative & establish a thought leader influence engine

Phase 1: Create a strong, unique brand narrative

Step 01

Conduct deep persona research

We set out to discover Optimum’s target personas for its ServiceNow offerings, their greatest pain points, their highest priorities, and what type of content they were consuming.

Step 02

Establish brand message and visual differentiation

Next, we analyzed their competitors to carve out their unique space in the market and created a brand message and visuals that represented their story and resonated with their target buyers.

Step 03

Empower the sales team with enablement assets

Next, we compiled persona and competitor research and the new brand message to create a strategic messaging framework and sales materials to equip sales and marketing teams with one clear, unified, powerful message about Optimum.

Step 04

Launch a brand lift campaign

Finally, we took Optimum’s new, powerful brand narrative and used it to launch their ServiceNow practice into the market with a landing page and campaign that crystallized their message and brand through digital ads, organic LinkedIn posts, and a video promoted on LinkedIn, YouTube, and ConnectedTV.

The content creation is key. For me to hop on an introduction call and be able to immediately grab content that speaks to exactly what the customer needs — it's like the stars just align, and they're like, ‘This is what I've been looking for!’ That instant credibility is a game changer.”

Natalie Tollefson, Sr. Director of Customer Success

P H A S E 2

Create a strong brand narrative & establish a thought leader influence engine

Step 01

Build demand & win trust with the 95%

Knowing that 95% of target customers are not in “buying mode”, we set out to craft a strategy for how to build trust with the 95% so that when they’re ready to buy, Optimum is their first call.

    1. First, we created a thought leadership podcast series called Healthy as Tech talks, which feature Optimum SMEs interviewing healthcare leaders who resonated with key personas to discuss their pain points and offer helpful advice. We streamed these across all major listening platforms.

    2. Next, we broke that pillar content down into valuable, bite-sized pieces, such as LinkedIn SME posts, video snippets, newsletters, blogs, and more, and distributed them throughout channels where we knew Optimum’s audience spent time.

    3. Finally, we listened to what resonated best with the audience and iterated, keeping our content calendar agile and continuously refining the structure of each talk based on audience feedback to make sure episodes featured what was important to our listeners.

Step 02

Establish brand message and visual differentiation

Next, we analyzed their competitors to carve out their unique space in the market and created a brand message and visuals that represented their story and resonated with their target buyers.

    1. First, we built a repository of quality content to equip sales teams with, pulling from the valuable thought leadership content created in the Healthy as Tech talk series. The sales team could send this content, infused with product demos, case studies, and Q&As, to prospects to show them real-life applications, ROI, and capabilities.

    2. Then, we shared Optimum’s content with ServiceNow reps and invited them to ask their healthcare clients to attend the talks. The content also served as sales enablement for ServiceNow reps who wanted to showcase the technology in a healthcare context.


“Optimum — you guys are everywhere!”

Since launching OutGrow, Optimum has gone from seemingly unknown in the ServiceNow space to the only healthcare-specific partner recommended by ServiceNow and inducted into both their Gross Success Network program and Delivery Success Partner program.

Besides being ServiceNow’s recommended healthcare partner, Optimum is quickly gaining recognition among organizations as the ServiceNow partner of choice for healthcare.

People are coming to us saying, ‘Wow, your content has been popping up everywhere. You seem to be all over the place, and I hear a lot of people talking about you.’ I think that's kind of the legend we're building within the healthcare community.”

Brian Symonds, Chief Digital Officer

Success in numbers


Total Healthy as Tech Newsletter Subscribers


MQLs Registered for the First Four Healthy as Tech Talks


Increase in ServiceNow Sales Revenue


Optimum ServiceNow Webpage Visits


Impressions on Campaign LinkedIn Ads


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Now, Optimum is experiencing results like:

Recognized as a thought leader in healthcare

Empowered and aligned sales and marketing team

ServiceNow reps can’t stop talking about them

Steady pipeline of MQLs coming in ready to buy

It's like a machine, and it's working.”

Natalie Tollefson, Sr. Director of Customer Success

Looking to go from industry contender to dominator?

Forrest is on a mission to help digital transformation leaders elevate their brands and amplify their messages to win buyer trust in a loud and crowded market.

If you’re interested in learning more about our LaunchNow or OutGrow services featured in this case study, you can visit those links on our website.

Feel free to reach out to us directly to talk more about how we can partner to help you break through the market. We’d love to help in any way we can.