2024 Social media playbook for B2B tech consultants
Over the past two years, we’ve been studying how B2B tech companies can actually drive demand through social channels, and now we’re giving up our proven approach for free.
We’re Forrest, a premier marketing agency that helps B2B tech consultants sell more technology faster through human-centered marketing.**
How most technology firms approach social strategy
🙅 Post company announcements and updates
🙅 Post blogs and only include the blog title and link
🙅 Speak in jargon and industry buzzwords
🙅 Post generic stock images and boring creatives
🙅 Speak with undertones of “buy from us now”
🙅 Fail to use a human-centered approach
The shift in buyer behavior should influence your social strategy
💡 Only 17% of your buyers are spending time in their buying journey talking to sellers* – and of that 17%, only FIVE percent is with YOUR sales team.
💡 Buyers are 2.8x more likely to buy from companies who make their buying journey easier through valuable information*
💡 95% of your buyers are not in market** – making it more important than ever to create a program that addresses them before they’re in market
Here are the results you can expect ☀️
Help your company stand out in a sea of other consultants on crowded channels
Generate more inbound requests attributed to organic social
Build prospective buyer trust with your SMEs and practice leads before they even sign a deal
Increased revenue – we’ve seen a client go from $0 attributed to social to nearly $6.5M in pipeline by leveraging this strategy
This playbook is for you if…
You’re a marketing leader
You work for a ServiceNow, NetSuite, Microsoft, or Salesforce Partner
Your company works in digital transformation or IT/software/consulting
Questions or feedback? Let us know on LinkedIn!
Nate Netti, CEO
Brandon Triola, CCO
This is one piece of the demand generation playbook for B2B technology consultants.