Winning Website Review |

Websites are the digital plot of land our companies are given to architect, design, build, and manage. Some B2B tech companies have really great web design and branding built right into their marketing strategy. Others need a little help. In this video, Brandon Triola, the Chief Creative Officer of Forrest Co. breaks down what he believes to be a winning website offering from Synk.IO

Key points of what does well

  1. Synk knows their audience and is focused on developers

  2. Hero image above the fold correlates with the text on the page

  3. Two call-to-action buttons, low barrier to entry with "start for free"

  4. Credibility above the fold with logos of well-known clients

  5. Made a bold but measurable promise to fix vulnerabilities in 5 minutes

  6. Synk understands their role as the guide in the narrative

  7. Provides ways for users to research and explore their solutions before talking to a sales rep

  8. Clearly and simply talks about the problems their solutions solve in the "Synk brings developers and security together" section

  9. Case studies feature well-known businesses

We can’t emphasize enough the importance of understanding your role in the story and being a guide in the narrative. Synk does a good job of knowing their role, and positioning their customer as the hero.

Brandon Triola

Co-Founder and Chief Creative Officer at Forrest.

A Winning Customer Profile Design


Help! My dog ate my firm’s strategic narrative!